Learning how to swim has been at the core of everything we’ve done for the last 20 years; as such we are really passionate about swimming and the enormous benefits it gives babies, children and the family as a whole – it truly is the one activity you can really enjoy together as a family!
Swimology is an expression we like to use to communicate the importance of learning to swim. It derives from an old proverb that says you can study all the ‘ologies in the world, but there is none more important than Swimology.
As an extension to this, in 2014 we launched our first Swimology Ambassador programme – a way of working in partnership with some of our favourite parenting bloggers. We believe that it's a way for our audience to see how 'real-life' mums and dads engage with our products during their own swimming journey – through the good and the sometime grumpy moments!
For 2019, we are very excited to welcome a new group of Parenting Ambassadors to the Konfidence Swimology family, and we’d like to introduce you to them here so you too can follow their Swimology journey over the coming months:
2019 Swimology Child Ambassadors
Emily and Indiana
Emily is a mummy to three beautiful children, aged 5 and under. She lives in West Kent with her husband Jack, where they love nothing more than exploring, going on adventures and visiting their local Costa (a little bit too often!). She started Emily and Indiana as an online diary of her eldest daughter Indiana's life. And since then it has grown to document her pregnancies, the children's milestones and a whole lot more. Emily worked with Konfidence as Baby Swimologists when Parker was little, and she is SO excited to be part of the team again this year, this time as a Swimology Child Ambassador!
Hot Pink Wellingtons
Katy is a family lifestyle blogger at Hot Pink Wellingtons, where she documents life living in Surrey with her husband and two boys, Max (4) and Ben (21 months). As a family, they love exploring the outdoors and the wonderful countryside the UK has to offer - whether that's getting muddy with a walk in the woods, or splashing in the sea in Cornwall. Max and Ben have both recently started on their swimming journeys - Max is very much enjoying it all, and Ben is much less keen so far, but we're sure he'll come around! As a Swimology Child Ambassador this year, we are sure we can convince Ben how much fun swimming is!
Monkey and Mouse
Jenny is from Scotland and started Monkey and Mouse in February 2015 as a way to share her daily adventures and kids play ideas with others. Jenny’s blog has developed over time and now also includes many other areas of interest. She like to write about anything she finds relevant, but especially loves writing about travelling and days out as a family with her two boys, enjoying the countryside and the many places of interest, both in the UK and abroad. Being a Swimology Child Ambassador is therefore perfect for Jenny and her family and we hope they have a great weekend at Alton Towers in the Splash Landings waterpark.
Mrs Hs Fave Things
Say hello to Lucy, a former fundraiser, wife and mum to two rainbow babies, Little Miss H, who is 5 years old, and Little Mister H, who is 2. She writes honestly about recurrent miscarriage, mental health and finding happiness in the little things in life. Lucy does this to show mums who are struggling that there is always hope and that a rainbow can appear after the darkest storm. We look forward to reading about all the happy times Lucy and her family have this year as Swimology Child Ambassadors.
Mudpie Fridays
Clare is a mum to two gorgeous boys, Monkey aged six and Kipper who will turn 3 in May. Over at Mudpie Fridays, Clare writes all about how she juggles the mother and corporate career girl balance! She shares some of the activities she gets up to with her boys, with the intention of showing ideas for how you can spend quality time with your children. The majority of Clare’s ideas can be replicated quickly and simply when time is short, or as she says “when you are juggling the pressures of everyday life and need a quick fix of sanity, or if you are career mum like me you can still satisfy that urge to create”. Swimming is one of the activities on top of Clare’s list and we look forward to sharing her Swimology Child Ambassador journey this year.
Popitha Twins
Anna writes over at Popitha; Life and Adventures with Twins. The Popitha Twins, Poppy and Tabitha, are identical twin girls aged 3 and are the main stars of the show, although their newborn Matilda is closely following in their footsteps! Anna shares lots of parenting and travel tips, ideas, inspiration and reviews on how to make travel and life fun and doable! Taking three girls aged under 3 years swimming could be a fun challenge, and we can’t wait to see how they all get on as Swimology Child Ambassadors this year.
2019 Swimology Baby Ambassadors
Counting to Ten
Kate shares all about family life in her blog Counting To Ten and on Instagram as @EssexKate. She has 2 girls: M who is 7 and Little who is 3 as well as Baby Boy who joined the family in January. Kate writes tales about the good (and bad) bits of motherhood, suggestions for places to go, activities to do and ideas for trying to make life easier. The family live in Loughton, Essex, but M only lives with them half the time so co-parenting is a regular topic on the blog. Kate is really excited to get Baby Boy swimming and being a Konfidence Baby Ambassador is just what she needs to avoid the trap of not taking the 3rd child to do activities just for them.
Just Motherhood
Tanita is a family and lifestyle blogger, she writes about her family life and adventures over at Just Motherhood. You will find posts on their trips out as a family and as a couple, posts on their everyday life, home and interiors. This is their family picture book intertwined with some lovely words and clichés along the way. She lives in Kent with her husband Daniel, and their three children, Sophia 8, Archie 5, Arthur 1, and their two cats Bertie and Buttons. Tanita loves the creativity and voice blogging has given her, one of her passions is taking photos of her family. A passion she found through blogging. Tanita completed her English Literature and Language Degree while raising her children and it was her degree that gave her the confidence to start her blog and it’s been the best step she ever took. She hopes that through her blog she too can give other mums confidence in their abilities and bring mothers together to support each other in a shared likeminded online community. We can’t wait to read all about her journey as a Swimology Baby Ambassador this year.
Sophie is from North West England and lives her husband and her two boys – Henry who is seven and her baby boy Hugo. With Soph-obsessed you get nothing but honesty – real, raw, emotional soul bearing truth. Sophie doesn’t wrap things in a pretty bow; she talks openly about her daily struggles in the hope that her readers will in some way feel at home. It’s not all doom and gloom though, she also shares the highs and the excitement and we hope by joining as a Swimology Baby Ambassador she has lots of highs on her baby swimming journey.
David and Donetta
Our Swimology Ambassador programme just wouldn’t be the same without a dad, and this year we are delighted to welcome David from ‘David and Donetta’ – you might know him previously from Dad v World. David and Donetta are a married couple from Yorkshire, who document their real lives as parents of a 6-year old and more recently their pregnancy journey. Their son already loves swimming, and by becoming a Swimology Baby Ambassador they hope their new little girl when she arrives later in the year, will do too! They love to create blogs, videos and recently entered the world of podcasting – they are even on Spotify! They live to inspire, motivate and entertain their audiences, and we look forward to watching how their new baby girl (and dad and mum) get on later this year with baby swimming.